
Happy Birthday Best.

The good in people

They come, they go.
Strangers, acquaintances, friends.
Everyone is capable,
But the measure lies in the individual.
It's not what they got,
Or how much they have.
Money can't put a price tag on it.
Because to the right person, it's priceless .
There's nice people, the ones who are sweet, genitive, caring.
But overall, good people?
Nah those are a dime a couple hundred dozenZ
It isn't what they do for themselves,
it's what they're willing to do for  others.
It's their selflessness and their morality,
Their dedication, their sacrifice.
Every now and then we mix them up with the nice group.
But when it comes down to it, When you think about them.
It's beyond nice. It's beyond most them.
They tell it how it is, not how they see it, or how we want to see it
How much they are willing to go out of their way to make someone else's life better
Not because they want to, or need to, or have to.
But because it's apart of them.
Their talent, Their character.
Calm, collective, courageous.
Their will power, their drive,

To the Number 1 Good.
Happy Birthday best.

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