It's never a bad thing to take risks or chances.
But there is something called bad timing and bad breaks that are out of your control.
You don't like it, they don't like it, nobody likes it.
But there's nothing you can do about it.
To put everything on the table for something or someone requires a lot of thought,
A lot of heart.
It's never wrong or right to tell someone how you feel.
It's never too late to chase your dreams.
But like everything else, there is fine print you forgot to read.
Here are some fine print keys you must remember

Individualism 206

When you look in the mirror, what do you see. When you look deeper, who do you see?

When I look at successful people, I see education. I see a student, a student who is continually listening, continually learning, continually admiring. I see common knowledge, the basis of how the world works, and understanding of what it takes to live in a world like we live in.  Formal Education is how the world works today, but if you look back 30-40-50 years, skill set and hard work were the norm education.  Based on work experience, hands on, and self-teachings.  The world has gone from skills of the military, labor, and work ethic, to knowledge of the brain and computations of statistical analysis and computer technology.

When it comes to others, I see sacrifice. These are the people that willingly sacrifice they're benefits for others. Their items are of value to them, but will generously lend them to those who need them more. They sacrifice their own happiness for the benefit of others. Anything from a helping hand to a donation of money, sacrifice is something you don't see everyday. This world is a selfish one, and it is often rare to find someone so generous.

With sacrifice, there is Family.  Nothing comes in the way of family.  They are the ones you are supposed to trust, they are the ones that show unconditional love and support.  Family, are your genes and your history, nobody else's.  Remember that every family has their problems and every family has its struggles.  But together, family will overcome the struggles.  No matter how many times they turn their back on you, you never turn your back on Family.

A person is always easy-going. No matter what time of day it is, what month of the year it is, this person is easy-going 24/7. 24/7 they are the same person. Regardless of what is happening around them, they are at ease, relaxed, and calm. When things get bad, these people remain calm. They understand that whenever times get bad, time will pass. Nothing is as bad as it seems, because the next day is a new day. They are easy to talk to, funny to listen to, and sharing their experiences for your benefit.  Forgive the past but never forget.

When it comes to everything in life, they are grateful. In life, we experience some of the roughest times anyone could have ever experienced. But they don't let these things affect em, nor change them.  They might have lost many, but remain grateful for the few. To them, Those that mind, don't matter, and those that matter don't mind. They worked for everything they have, and work exceptionally hard to keep it that way.

Always cherish what you have and never take anything for Granted.  Things will always come and go and sometimes the foundation of family and friends are all we have.  Always cherish those important items and remember that at anytime, the Lord may request their presence in heaven.  And everyone is expendable, no matter how we wish they weren't.

A great person has morales. Morales, rules and guidelines are what these people follow. They might've learned from their parents, or other great individuals. They are the ones that are incorruptible, the ones who can not be bribed by money or satisfaction. These are the heroes that are willing to risk everything they have for what they believe in. They do not let peer pressure or any other thing get in the way. They are true to themselves, and true to those they surround.  Rules disable spontaneous stupidity actions that others can never overcome.

Work Ethic.  Would you rather be known for your hard work or your laziness.  In the end, Would you rather believe you put in your all, or think you left something on the table.  Those that work hard, play hard.  Those who work hard know they did everything in their power to understand the final result.  And the ones who do not, are usually wondering why.

Without Love, there is no life.  Love the ones who matter and forget about the ones that don't.  Family and significant, the only ones entitled to your love.  Everyone else is at your disposal.  And vice versa.  Even significant is objective as over time, they might not be exactly the one you want for the rest of your life.

Cocky or Confident.  As long as you know who you are and what you represent, always be confident in what you believe in and who you are.  There will always be those to judge and those who misinterpret your perception.  But as long as you know who you are, you only prove yourself to God.

Humble.  There's a mixture between expressing yourself and keeping it from others.  Being humble is appreciating everything you have yet keeping your grind going.  It is also accepting failure and acknowledging error.  Keep yourself confident and humble.

When it comes to the rough, hard, ugly times, these things come to play. It is when we see the real person inside, and the real type of people who exists. And when it is all said and done, the people who are still standing have traits like these. These traits, every leader has today.
And after all is said and done with all these traits, I can tell you that these people are constantly working, constantly admiring, and always becoming better. It doesn't matter if they were right, because they admit whenever they were wrong.

Relationship 101

Start it slow and work your way in
Whether they know you like them or they don't, a consistent ship between texting, calling, e-mail, and/or in person must be ongoing. You can't be inconsistently communicating one month here three months nowhere. It's called foundation.

Get them interested
You are an attraction. The level of your attraction depends on you. What you have to offer, depends on you, your attitude, and your characters. The more you have, the more attractive you become. Your like an item in Target, what separates you from the others. Keep that in mind.

Tell Cards
You must be able to read between the lines. Although they most unlikely won't say, "I like you" right away, there are tell cards that will reveal some sort of attraction.
Flirting: If you flirt with them, do they flirt back. Better yet, do they flirt with you first?
Do they ever say they miss you or they want to see you
Physical encounters: Rubbing on shoulders, long passionate hugs, taps or touches on the arms or fingers.

How do they act
When you tell them future outings together
When you bring someone else up that they might be attracted to.
Do they keep their word/promises?

The give and take method is a good measure on the size of attraction. 50-50 means there is a near-balance between who texts/calls/hangs out first. You or they, are not the ones always talking first.

Timing is Everything
Whether they just got out of a relationship or you did, timing is key. Never reveal feelings for the person unless the time calls for it. Don't rush into things just because you think they're getting away. If it's meant to be, it will be.

Just because you feel that way
Doesn't mean they feel the same. By taking risks, you're willing to find out...WHICH MEANS, it's 10% success, 80% failure, and 10% could be success if you work at it.

Taking Risks
Is so you can live knowing you did all you could. But it also means you must accept all you did regardless of success or failure.

Never reveal
Your feelings. Your feelings are your feelings and your best weapon. You reveal em' and you have nothing left to offer. Once you reveal em' and there's no chance in friendship or response, usually means they're not interested.

Always remember it takes two to tango.
It doesn't matter how much you like someone, or how bad your willing to go for this person, you still need an amount of attraction/liking/interest from the other person.

Going overboard
Never ever blow up someones phone or e-mail. 100% will deny your shot. The phrase is usually said as, "Doing too much."

Of course there are always exceptions to the guidelines. But usually, in most cases, by nonverbal communication, you can tell how certain people act around you. Do not take the amount of genuine and nice features to heart because those are two traits a person may always be to whomever, even to the person they don't like. And just because a lot of the guidelines aren't followed doesn't mean they don't like you. But the only way to find out is to communicate. If they are short with their responses or don't respond at all, that should be a sure sign that they aren't interested. People usually say, "Maybe they're busy." Well, if they liked you or were attracted, they would make time for you.

Once you take the hints that there might be something there, act on it. Test the waters. Offer to eat or hang out and see where that goes. Is there flirtatious actions between the both of you. Like I said, timing is everything. Sometimes the biggest sacrifice is staying quiet and not doing anything because of their circumstances going on. You might like someone who is taken, which means to sacrifice your wants for their happiness. Don't blab your mouth or flirt with them too much because at the end of the day, they are still with someone. Realize that they may or may not be as happy, but that doesn't mean ruin something that isn't yours. You can't walk into someone's life saying, "I can change your world," because you feel this way. They might not want that at all.

All in all, be smart about the things you do or are about to do. If they don't talk to you or don't bother making it appoint to keep a conversation going, chances are they probably don't like you. You can always try to get someone to like you, but those things don't happen over night. And the chances of them changing their mind is very slim.
When it comes to two people, the thought of being in a relationship has already occurred. Whether they liked what they saw or didn't will reflect their actions towards you.

Chasing a dream or something else.

A dream or something else is always obtainable. The ways to obtain them..Ask yourself, are they feasible. Reasonable.

Impossible is nothing
But other things might stand in the way. Money, time, family, distance, health.

Do you have the necessary background for this? The education, the experience, the resume? Just because you have one doesn't mean you don't need the other. The more you have, the better you are.

Bright Network
The more people you know the better. The bigger resume you have, the brighter. This world depends on who you know with what you have. It's not always about what you have, but what you do with what you have. What separates you off from the world.

Lead instead of follow
Like said before, never follow. There are trendERS and trendsetters. Do you for you, not for anyone else's thoughts or opinions. Swag.

Weigh your life
If something you want outweighs everything else, it's not worth it. Chasing your dreams but sacrificing your family's money is ridiculous, especially if the chance of success is very small. Be reasonable. You don't need 100 pairs of shoes, 500 different t-shirts, there's only one of you.

Like relationships, dreams and items are obtainable. But the ways to get there might be as or more difficult. Of course, the dreams don't depend on its feelings. It rather depends on the limited ability or number factor. Is it easy to obtain or earn, or is it one in a million. Find the challenges that will encourage your success rate. Separate yourself from the other challengers or competitors, and strive at your strong points. Know your weaknesses and make them your strong points too.

There are steps and levels of success. Fast and erratic is much more risky and dangerous than slow and steady. They say to hope for the best, plan for the worst. I say to have no expectations so there won't be any disappointments. Play hard, Work harder. The work you put in is the result you'll get back. Everything is balanced and keep in mind that cheating your way there won't satisfy yourself as much as you think. If it was too easy to get there, it wasn't worth it. Nobody's watching but God.