
Pen Pal

Dear B.A response

You don’t actually know me and I guarantee you’ve never heard of me.  Maybe, just maybe, we’ve been in an enclosed radius within 5 miles of one another at some point in our lives.   It could’ve happened in an airport or it could’ve happened in a 3rd world city.  Who knows, maybe we’ve traveled on the same cruise ship or flew on the same flight.  Either way, you’ve never met me and maybe never will.  

But if you’re reading this now, it means somehow someway the meticulous idea that passed through my brains and disabled me to sleep countless of hours but on to this piece of paper has succeeded.  Now before you decide to close the link, maybe you can fashion the idea of what this letter entails.  Not because I am asking you but because maybe there is something here that has never been done before. There are millions of ways for celebrities to interact with normal people like myself.  And though you may not be as high of a celebrity on the Hollywood E list, to hundreds of thousands of guys, you are. 

I’ll start by saying a little about the situation and what exactly it is that I was thinking during the odd hours of the night.  I’ll start by saying a little about myself and what it is that could intrigue you.  I guess for me there is nothing to lose and only something to gain.  For you, it could be an idea you can pass along to one of your directors.  The only director I know, and know meaning know of, not know personally, is WongFu Productions.  Those are the only guys I can think of that would try to make a screening of something like this.  When I thought of the idea, I thought of it only for a personal gain.  A gain for me, interacting with you.  But the more i thought about it, the more I decided it could be a brilliant movie script.  Of course many times the story is twisted or manipulated to make it into a love story, which isn’t exactly that of what I’m asking.  Of course, I can not not pass that idea in my head like a billion dudes that have. I guess if I didn’t have that daydream, that would make me not like women.  

I believe it started a few days ago on the infamous picture Instagram.  I’ll say it happened on a Wednesday because that’s when #WCW is.. And although I only use IG for my pup, GS_Pwillis52 (Yes, I am a Patrick Willis fan of the 49ers), you’re amazing picture popped up on my news feed.  And unlike the many times I have seen pictures, I decided to click the picture and find out who you were.  The deeper I looked, the more I recognized.  You were in a few movies that I have seen but didn’t knit pick at or research on IMDB.  And from that Wednesday, your image has stuck in my mind since.

I guess that’s how it started.  And you hear so many stories of normal people meeting celebrity-esh citizens.  Most of the time, I could care less about the difference in a celebrity and a normal person.  I guess looking inside the box from the outside is the norm and the inside looking out is the celebrity style. I mean, I don’t want to sound like I don’t like celebrities cause of course there are the few I wish to meet.  Patrick Willis, Navarro Bowman Sean Connery, Taylor Swift, Will Smith, Chris Paul, Adele, Dj Baby Yu,Denzel Washington, Jay-Z, Kanye West to name a few.  Oh and you can’t forget movie characters like Harry Stamper, Stanley Goodspeed, Lucas Scott, Brooke Davis.  I’m sure you can figure out who those characters are from, being in the industry.  I suppose I could’ve wrote them this letter.. But for some reason, it was you that I wanted to write this to.  It’s like the Lord kept me awake to plan out this mysterious journey. 
Awhile back, right around the age of 21, I went to the University of Maryland for my undergrad.I was a fool for messing around in Junior college that by the time I was 21, I said to myself, “I should be graduating college.”  I used my dad as a comparison, and just like that, moved to the other side of the country.  Oh by the way, I live in Sacramento, 400 miles north of Los Angeles.  So, we’re residing in the same state, if that counts for something.. Anyways, back to the story.  When I was on the other side of the country, away from everything that I knew, I was lonely and depressed.  The only one I could talk to was the best friend, which is fine.. In a sense, that I now know who the true colors of people are.  The people only talk to you when they want something.. Or they only talk to you when they know they can hang out with you.. Which isn’t a bad thing..But at the same time.. Why can’t people know people by just talking. So when I was over in Maryland with only a few friends there, and one best friend here, I thought of a pen pal.   I didn’t really have anyone I could write, but there was this strong desire for a penpal.  You know, old school.  Where two people write back and forth via mail, using stamps instead of this technology.  It’s amazing how far we come that we forget the small, simple things, that could entertain us more than our iPhones can.

So there you have it.  I am writing on this blog, contacted by Twitter, to see if you would entertain the idea of being my pen pal.  As lame as that sounds, and as corny as it is, I would fancy the idea of writing to you because you are a complete stranger who I want to say is intriguing in many different ways.  I’m not gonna lie but I think it’s cause you have grandma type tendencies like myself. A free-spirit but homebody that enjoys new entertainment.  I must say that I do enjoy movies and I do have a dream-like mind.  I can tell you more of those stories later, just not the time.  And since you’re like me, or so that I think, why not take a chance a write a complete stranger.  

The idea of a pen pal at 3 AM sounds absurd, but if you think about it, it’s almost an encouraging, brilliant, story.   A normal but unique mindsetted guy, uses Twitter to ask a celebrity, beautiful woman, to be a pen pal.  And from pen pals, they write weekly to each other about their uniquely different lives.   How one, is inspired to become a successful actress, while the other, is trying to find his place on Wall Street.  And they ask each other different things about the different lifestyles.. How the girl is surrounded by technology, flashing lights, drooling men.  How the boy is surrounded by family, the world’s economy, and personal hobbies.  And if you really want to go HollyWood like that movie idea;  How the two become close friends via letters and eventually meet in each of their cities.  Talk to each other on the phone and Okay, maybe I won’t go that route cause that just sounds plain silly and it makes me sound crazy.  But you get the picture.   Wow, that does sound like a brilliant movie script waiting to happen.

I haven’t really tried the movie script technique out as I don’t really like writing : [Girl Enters Room] “Words here “ I just enjoy writing what is on my mind.  I can assure you that I am a very nice, genuine person that’s not going to go ape shit or stalker zombie.  Wow, can’t believe I put those two kinds of people together.  Haha, but nah.  I’m a genuine person who lives in fairytales and unrealistic movie plots.  I guess I’ve come to reality during my older days, but still have some ideas in my head.  I’d love to share them if you were a pen pal but I guess I’ll have to wait and see if I intrigued you enough.   

So if you’re down with the idea, you’re down.  If not, I completely understand.  I know that it would be very trusting to give an address to a complete stranger and it’s a weebit crazy. I suppose the pen pal writings could start from e-mails and work their way down.  Haha, I just thought, guy writes the girl via email, but the girl writes the guy via mail.. Just because she doesn’t trust him cause she’s a celebrity, and he doesn’t care about her knowing where she’s writing to.  Oh I see how it is, I guess that means I’ll give a different address like a P.O Box.  Nah, I’ll just give you my work address.  Please don’t come stalk me.  Lol, just kidding.  
So I guess I’ll give this a shot.  My name is Jason.  I was born in 1987 so I’m not relatively old.. I’m just not that young.  I was born and raised in Sacramento, California.  Lived at home all my life until I was 21.  Played multiple sports; Basketball, Tee Ball, Soccer, Volleyball.  I like to think I’m athletic but in my older day, I’m not quite too sure.  After I moved to Maryland, I decided to start a blogspot, which is where this letter was found.  I started it for two reasons.  One, Like I said before, my friends weren’t really friends, and they only wanted to talk to me if I was in Sacramento physically.  And this was a way to get out my frustration and vent.  Two, I wanted to share photos of my relatives in Maryland with my family in Sacramento (my mother’s side lives in Maryland and that’s who I resided with).That’s where the hobby of photography came in.  Bought a fisheye lens before the camera, and eventually bought a Nikon D80 from Craigslist.  My close friend also began photography and purchased a bunch of lights.. You know, the kind you’re used to taking pictures with.  Alienbees and beauty dishes, the whole nine.  I ‘m sure you can see all of my past writings and photographs on this blogspot. Maybe it’ll help you feel more comfortable and know that I’m not some crazy dude.   I only ask that if you read, start from the beginning and work your way up.  That would really be appreciated .. Don’t ask me why, I’m weird like that.

Anyways, when I returned home, I looked for a full time job to no avail.  I graduated with a pre-law degree, believing I wanted to be a lawyer or a cop.  Turns out, I missed my cop opportunity in Maryland and I hate reading a bunch of vague documents.  It’s weird, I enjoy reading but nothing of importance or in the moment.  I guess, movie scripts would be different.  Any who, I kept the blog and published them into books after every year.   This past year, I published all of the writings and gave it to my mother for Christmas.  It is now going through my entire family, being passed around like a novel.  Oh, I’ve also wanted to write a novel.  I tried writing one but it’s somewhat terrible.  Or so that’s what this reviewer said on a public forum.  He said my grammar was poor, which isn’t completely true.  I just don’t like going back and editing things that I wrote.  Instead, I like to just get my idea out, give it to someone to edit, and then publish.  I guess that’s why nothing has ever been published because I’ve never had anyone edit.  Hey, if we’re pen pal’s, maybe you can help me edit!  Haha jk I wouldn’t want to do that to you.

I guess I could’ve waited before writing the last two paragraphs.  Maybe I should’ve made it dramatic and told you, say “Yes” and send it here.   That way when I receive in the mail an empty envelope with the words, “Yes,” it’d be climatic and mind blowing.  Lol but I didn’t.. I guess I should stop second guessing myself and just hope that you actually write.  

400 Capitol Mall
Suite 1900
Sacramento, CA 95814

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