
When Dreams Become a Reality.

Part I.

Everything isn't as it seems as scene on the cinemas.
We have minimum meaningless relationships to temporary pleasure us.
The Friendships aren't what we live for,
Relationships are what we die for.
You can't erase what's happened, only affect what will happen.
The memories of love, memories of laughin.
Nobody can take away this feeling.

We have these ideas formed from movie scenes
In our best efforts, we re-create these moments in our dreams.
We live in a reality where dreams become real.
And we capture these moments to create such a feel.
Live in the moment because no one can take the moment away.
No matter where we are, when it is, we can re-live the moment anyway.
Yet it's not what we did, or what was said.
It's who we were with, and the feeling that will never go undead.

Is life about the moments that take our breath away.
Or is it the long run of love experienced everyday.
But what if the world only gave us one.
What if we were never in for the long run.
Only lived in the moments made speciality.
These moments were our only reality.

It's not who you know, or who you met.
It's who made you feel the way you felt.
We take it all in, re-living in the moment, Treasuring the feeling.
We evaluate, think, re-think the value of its meaning.
These are what we die for, this is what life's about.
The only ones who've stayed when the world walks out.
The only thing keeping you moving,
Is the only thing keeping you going.
Living in the moment, living the moment for life.

Part II.

They ask, why do you do it for?
Put yourself through this much pain and suffer.
Live in regrets or Kill the worst efforts.
Living a life of fiction, hopeless romantic.
Romanticizing something in fake, Making real what isn't.
Creating scenes in life like they were meant for a Hollywood movie scene.
Raise our morality, raise our self esteem. And live out these dreams.
Writing dialogue between two people as if it's already happening.
Trying to put onto paper the feeling of living.
Because this living feeling is the only alive feeling.

Realism is reality but much of it's gone unseen.
You Kill these dreams, you kill my self esteem.
Everyone has their own history, their own stories.
But what isn't alive now are just vague memories.
What if you could make the memories internally
Turn a story of glory to live eternally.
That's what features our desire for the cinemas
Chasing our goals, living our dreams, pleasure us.
It shows us a glimpse of what the feeling is

Haven't felt the feeling of in love.
Only the feeling of being loved and to love.
You see, people will come, people will go.
Only love we know of is seen in tv shows.
Past relationships are past failures.
One night stands are one nights pleasures.
Nothing matters when There's only one treasure.

Dreams are only thing that make your world
Feel the pleasure of knowing your treasure girl.
Living in fantasy, there's no limit of your excitement,
Living in reality, there's only fact of disappointment.
Your hopes, your soul, your dream, It's indestructible
And everyone in it, everything apart of your wishes, incorruptible.

Part III.

You've been here before, and you know how this goes.
You question their motives, their morales, their character.
You've seen this approach before, and it never worked.
Yet something oddly feels strangely different.
In every scenario in every dream, the dialogue you made was good.
But every time you talk in reality, the dialogue is even better.
This one is different.
Everything you did before, whether good, bad, or ugly, doesn't matter.
And Life is just that much better, knowing there's such a person who exists.
In your dream, you plan every little thing you hope will happen.
But this isn't a dream anymore, this is your life.

One day, a person will walk into your life unexpectedly and will change your life forever.
I truly believe that there's one person who captures your heart from one simple hello.
From that moment on, a feeling, a feeling you've never experienced, takes over your body.
As your relationship grows, the more you grow fond of them.
The more words they speak, the less you dislike about them.
The more acts they do, the less you'll doubt yourself.
You can't put into words how this person makes you feel.
It feels sort of like flying.
You just know, this is the one. The only.
And when you find this person, you fight like hell for them.
You do things you never thought were possible in your genes,
You try things you thought you never try.
It's not the give and take, or the pull and give.
It's the sacrifice wanted to be taken in order to fulfill their desires.
Their character and morality inspires you to become a better person.
They push you to the limits you thought you never could reach.
You do things not because you want to, but because they would want you to.
It's waking up every morning next to them, only wishing to go back to bed again.
Never did you think such a person of beauty and grace exist.
Their dedication to their friends and family,
Along with their hard work and community service.
The sweetest honey in the world couldn't measure up to them.
Not even your dreams could add up to this one.
The script was perfect, the movie was beautiful.
Reality is living your dream.

Let me tell you something you already know.
When this person walks in your door, take that chance you never took.
Sometimes we miss on grand opportunities because we are afraid of what might happen.
You never know what might happen.
If this was that one person that changed your life forever, wouldn't you risk it all.
Because you sure as hell don't want to be living knowing they're there.
You will have it bad like Usher all damn day.
Don't think about getting shot down because if it was meant to be, it would be.
Risk it all, put your heart on the line, fight for the cause, even if it could be lost.
Sometimes, knowing of failure is better,
Sometimes, the beauty is in the attempt.
It's not about finding that perfect person, It's passing up the perfect one for the best one.
The best ones are the ones you work for.
Only you know what you want, only you can stop yourself from capturing it.
It might've been a long journey, but once you get there.
You are there.
Where your dreams, became your reality.

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