
i think too much.

Is there a problem with society or is there a problem with me?
There s a large amount of poverty in the world, homeless and starving. Yes?
The richest people in the world has enough money to create an environment for decent living conditions. There are companies in the world who have the ability to make foods or ship foods to feed the millions, yes?  So why is the world still poor?
Is it the fault of the individuals who are grown in to poverty, and do not escape it?
Or is it the fault of us, labeling them as no good poverty people who have no lives to look forward to?
Maybe its nature, you know competition?

Is there a problem with the White House or is there a problem with me?
The health reform for the entire United States is great, to think about it.  We are all about to have it, great right? Wrong.  Yeah the States will have it, but at the price of the working people.  It is nice that everyone can have free health care, but it is not nice that everyone will have it with only the working class paying for it.  Oh, you didn’t know?  Yeah, check the reform and read about the taxes.  On top of that, the various of companies will be fined for an X amount of employees, therefore making companies cut employees.  If you didn’t know now, this country just came out of a recession, meaning we do not have enough jobs.  Now you’re going to fine the companies for having too many employees because they don’t want to pay their benefits? 

Is there a problem with Verizon or is there  a problem with me?
Apple wants to be on Verizon, Verizon doesn’t want Apple because they feared of Apple overrunning their market.  Instead, Apple went to At&t and are now overrunning the population of cellular phones with iPhones.  You know, Verizon thinks they found the solution with Android based Phones.  Yeah, I have one, and it sucks balls.  I’ll be very impressed if they’re able to make their phones better then Apple.  It’s like Reebok imitating Nike shoes…you remember, the hit Air Force Ones or Dunks by Nike, being replicated by Reebok with a Reebok logo..Yeah, those sucked.
Is there a problem with society, or is there a problem with me?
Too many people are too depended on technology.  Yes we all have it, and love it. I admit, I love it and use it too.  But, what if the technology just went to the shiz…Who knows how to survive? It’s nice to have but seriously, people need to stop being on their cell phones 24/7, checking Facebook and Twitter just because they are able to.  I bet you today, half the world aren’t able to travel to and from places with out using their memory…Instead they use the GPS.
Is there a problem with people, or is there a problem with me?
Good people are hard to come by.  The people are hypocritical with closed minds.  The people make promises they can’t keep.  They make choices without think the consequences.  They make checks they can’t cash, messages they can’t deliver.
Is there a problem with the media, or is there a problem with me?
Why does the media always have to exploit individuals, celebrity or everyday people.  Sure, News is nice and informative.  But to make stories about people by just a picture.  To jump to conclusions about individuals because one simple action without interviewing the actual individual involved with the circumstance, the media jump to conclusion about what might have happened..Like they know what was happening.  It’s okay to analyze the information given by proof, but is it okay to bring it to society’s attention?  Want an example? Tiger Woods.
Is there a problem with individuals or is there a problem with me?
We all have our own lives, therefore making it hard to keep in touch with different individuals.  But if someone calls you, is there a problem on why you can’t call them back  If someone texts you, is there a problem with individuals that can’t text back? Are they too busy before they go to sleep to reply? 
Is there  a problem with society or is there a problem with me?
Physical appearance means everything in this world.  If you’re beautiful and talented you can become a celebrity by just Youtubing yourself over the web or Myspace.  But what if you’re talented and skilled, but ugly? Think you’ll get to the same level as the other individual?  Tell me one person who is talented and ugly. And by ugly, I  mean not attractive at all. 
Might not agree with any of this.  Just thought I’d share some sight on various of topics in the world today.  Some of these topics seem to be a problem…Others just seem to be an opinion.  Haven’t had anyone to talk to in awhile, so I thought I’d write it down.  Not that any of this would be any topic of discussion.    Honestly, I think a lot of people are blinded by what they have in front of them. 

1 comment:

  1. Jason, I think you're right on the money! I also think that you know how much I care, so I'll proceed with my bluntness (if I'm out in left field, I apologize... but I don't think I am): What are you going to do about it? The world is full of problems and they aren't going to fix themselves. It's up to the average citizen (wherever we may be from) to make the world a better place today. So today, I challenge you to do something out of the ordinary to improve the life of someone around you. You and I have very limited funds (come on... we're students) so we can't feed all the hungry or bring Africa out of poverty, but we can make someone smile, laugh or be a listening ear. I once heard a quote that has really stuck with me: to the world you may be one person, but to one person you can be the world. It's all about the way you look through the glass. :) You're already changing lives, you've changed mine. Keep up the good work my friend! Loves :)
