
Haters Haters Haters


Lebron went to Miami, deal with it.
Stop the racial slurs.
Stop the hating. It wasn't your choice, it was his choice.
Am II a Lebron fan? I am a Sports fan.
Did II want him joining Wade, 49-51. II rather of had D Wade play LBJ.
Do II mind him on the Heat? No.
What is it with people being disrespectful of someones decision.
Live with it.
Lebron did not do anything to YOU but give you entertainment.
LBJ and D Wade are close friends, so why would it be wrong to join your close friends and play the game you love.
As much as I love Jordan, he didn't leave cause he had Scottie.
Jordan tried doing it by himself and fell short.
Michael asked who was 2nd best in the NBA when he was in his prime, "Scottie Pippen."
So you tell me, why would JOrdan leave when he was teamed with the 2nd best player.?
Would he still win without Scottie? At best, one.
Why discredit LBJ because he left his team to another?
The way he went about it wasn't the best, but you can't knock a guy for donating to charity.
LBJ and all other super athletes are very talented and the way they choose to use their talent is their choice. Stop Hating.

Kanye West may be an asshole, but you can't knock him for trying to change.
Kanye's music way too good to ignore.
Kanye is one of the few musicians BEYOND music.
He is an artist.
Don't believe me, go read the XXL magazine that featured his writing.
He'll amaze you with more than his rhymes, this guy has a vision.
He's starting to make movies, which have been appraised by many critics.
He's developed a clothing line, he's taken pictures, he's directed art events.
And is he stopping when he expresses himself? No.
The Taylor Swift thing is over with. ASshole move? Yes.
Apologetic ? Yes
Get over it.
This guy has given free music for the last 6 weeks, which most music lovers enjoy.
But yet, people still wanna knock him.
That's what you call a hypocrit. A phoney, a fake.
Instead of loving the guy and supporting the guy, they hate.

NFL League, why do you enforce such strict rules?
No more great Touchdown Celebrations is just wrong.
Players can't express themselves.
And now, NFL ban helmet to helmet and more crucial fines for big hits.
Safety is a key to this game, but really, you're tying the players hands behind their back.
What's funny is, it's a bunch of league officials who makes millions of dollars trying to control players too much.
II would not be surprised if anyone leaves the NFL because of this.
Safety is key, but the players know exactly what they signed up for.
These are what the big contracts are for in sports.
II really think, if it was possible, if ii could form an NFL based league, a lot of players would come. haha

Steve Jobs needs to come out with the iPhone for Verizon already.
San Francisco 49ers finally got a win vs the Raiders. Yay.
San Francisco Giants are hot baby, and I'm sportin Tim Lincecum 3000 miles away.
Buster Posey is ROY hands down.
Cody Ross has been so big.
II hope the Rangers beat the Yankees.
Look at all the bandWAGON kids there are. Please name five players from and some statistical data to back your reasoning up.
I'm sure more then 80 percent of the fans haven't seen at least 2 regular season games. Hater? yes.
How can some schools get a FALL break?
I'm glad the 33 miners are all healthy and livin.
Sports are the best thing to live entertainment you'll ever get cause it's non scripted.

"I can let these dream killers kill my self esteem or use my arrogance as steam to power my dreams." Haters.

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