
Out of sight, out of mind

You realize most people are out of sight, out of mind, who forget to call.
The friends you thought who would keep in touch with, don’t
And instead of calling or texting them, you don’t.
Because you don’t want to bother them cause you and they have their own lives now.
It doesn’t help not being able to see them, even if you had a car, cause they’re a plane ride away.

You try to replace them with materialistic items or new people.
You purchase new things to keep you occupied.
You attend events you’d never attend, just to stay busy.
You attempt at participating in extracurricular activities to pass the time.
Or you try studying in public places to keep yourself out there.
Sooner or later, you’ll start meeting new people, making new friends.
But you realize most of the new ones can’t replace the old.

So you keep to yourself, you do your own thing.
You rent movies or watch TV shows to entertain yourself.
You put headphones in your ears and walk around with sunglasses hiding your eyes.
You’re afraid people will question, “What’s wrong with them?”
You do your own thing because you know the only reason you’re supposed to be there is for school, not a social life.
You know this was your choice and your desire.
But how can such a desire turn out to be such a lonely path.
They say you make your own, you do your own.
But sometimes we don’t want our own to be alone.
They say blood is thicker than water,
All you need is family, and friends will come and go.
Guess they never realized you need both to survive.

So some days you’ll like it, some days you’ll get by.
Then there will be the days where you’re really bad and really down.
The toughest days are the longest.
And some days you’ll get to see home, if you’re lucky.

But until then, everyone's out of sight and out of mind.

1 comment:

  1. Jas, I'm sorry that you've been so... not yourself lately, however I come baring good news!! You need not worry because... the end of the month will come soon enough and then you'll be in UT and we'll play all weekend! AND celebrate your and Shaun's birthdays!!! :) And Halloween! I almost forgot that you'd be here to celebrate Halloween with us! (PS we're pretty chill about Halloween, just an FYI) I'll be in touch with you within the next few days and we'll start laying out a weekend full of fun! Keep rocking and writing.

    Brittish Knees
