Last winter of 2010 started with me moving back to the hometown I grew up from. Although the two years spent in MD were quite loving and fun, I decided to take my talents back to Sactown. Yeah, so it might've not been the best choice or the smart choice, but that's the way it crumbles. I decided it was better to live with those that matter the most while I still can and still experience them at my side. The inner circle thing is very important, probably the most important, than money or girls or status.
With that, I looked for part time jobs in hopes to return to school. I found one at Wells Fargo and Mikuni, both jobs that were great learning experiences and diverse. Although they were not what I expected, it was great making new companions at sociable places. I worked there for about 7-8 months before I decided to adventure to Denver. In Denver, I was able to experience living with my sister with a house and a car. A new atmosphere. Although that wasn't what I expected, it was a great, learning experience.
From there, I went back to Maryland to visit the extended family. It was great seeing old faces and the family for Thanksgiving. Job opportunities seem to be better over there then here, yet I can't get a callback for job applications I filled out. From there, I traveled back to Sacramento to spend Christmas. Unemployed has been really depressing at times, while other times its been enjoyable as I tried new experiences like crabbing. The homies are still the same and things seem to still be relaxed. And the kid I tutor is getting smarter.
For the holidays, I spent it in Sactown until Christmas day.. For Christmas, my family and I traveled to Los Angeles to spend it with my dad's side of the family. That was a new experience, as I don't think I've ever spent it with that side. The cousins and my sisters played kickball and flag football while I sat on the sidelines.
Anyways, this year has been a year of re-identifying myself outside of school. It's bittersweet as it sometimes feels like a waste of time not being employed. Other times, it's great to spend it with quality people I've grown up around. I don't know what next year will bring, but hopefully a job..Full time job, will be in effect. As this year comes to an end, a new one will begin. With that, Here are a few favorite memories, quotes, tweets and instagram photos of 2011. Enjoy!
Steve Jobs Dies =[
North Korea Leader Dies
NFL Lockout
NBA Lockout
Miami Heat fall to the Mavericks in the finals
Aaron Rodgers beat the Steelers in Superbowl
Tom Brady is still Tom Brady
Patrick Willis Best Linebacker Period
DJ Baby Yu still killin it.
Redsocks Falter in September
Rays Upset Redsocks in 14th Inning
War In Iraq ends after 9 Years
The World was supposed to end
Osama Bin Laden Dies by Navy Seals
Kemba Walker was not selected by The Kings
Aldon Smith. Aldon Smith. Aldon Smith BEAST
Crabbing. Twice.
San Francisco trips with the homies for some chowder. Multiple.
One on One drives. Multiple.
Music Albums
Adele. 21.
Nicki Minaj. Pink Friday.
Jay Z and Kanye- Watch the Throne
Drake- Take Care
Cole World- J.Cole
Lasers- Lupe Fiasco
Individual Tracks.
Iridescent - Linkin Park.
Make me proud- Drake fT Nicki.
One and Only/ Set fire to the rain- Adele
How to Love- Lil Wayne
Trying not to Love- Nickelback
Houdini- Foster the People
We found Love- Rihanna
I was here- Beyonce
Next to you- Chris Brown ft Bieber
All back- Chris Brown
Beautiful People- Chris Brown
If you leave- Nada Surf
The One that got away- Katy Perry
Where the Story Ends- Fray
Mistletoe- Justin Bieber
Work Out- J.Cole
I don't wanna Care- Lupe Fiasco
Movies.Tv Shows.
Crazy Stupid Love.
Friends with Benefits.
Transformers 3
Friday Night Lights.
House Season 7.
One Tree Hill Season 8.
Money Ball
Captain America
Fast Five
The Lincoln Lawyer
No Strings Attached
Rise of the Apes
Worst Moments.
5/4/2011 - RIP baby girl.
9/16/11- The Roast Duck
10/11-12/11- Disappointed in a friend.
12/13/11 Lost iPhone for 4 hours
Best Tweets
It might’ve been the best that things didn’t fall together.It might’ve been the worst that the greatest things fell apart. It's all the same
Love may not be finding the perfect. But passing up the perfect for the best.
sometimes we think too highly of certain individuals and let that intimidate our next action...or inaction.
One of the only important things beside love is time. With time anything is possible. Figure, it's the one thing we're running out of
U may dislike me, u may talk behind my back. U may hate me, u may hate the way I act. But that dnt change me cuz I'll alwz hve ur back. fact
U can't keep axing a tree and expect leaves to grow.
They say dont hate me cause I’m beautiful , I say don’t hate me cause I’m different
You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed, forever.
"She's the perfect target for my self esteem issues "
Ever notice it's the hardest things you can't say to the ones who matter the most
Can't fix something you didn't break, but you can always innovate.
I never saw this one coming babe, I never saw this one coming.
You only looking the wrong way, something like delirious and if you come my way I'll keep you intrigued and mysterious.
Rt @JennLui Whatever it is, it is what it is. Whatever it was, is no more. -Jason
Eery couple months I gotta remind myself im only gonna crash n burn
My customer told me he knows my character." calm and smooth relaxed and plays it cool"
You should have you're own toilet paper since u the shit
Swaggadelic Sucka
If u hype something up and it doesn't add up to expectations it becomes a disappointment
“It’s not who you spend Friday night with, it’s who you want to spend all of Saturday morning
Whenever the world is upside down you are always on the right side up
Girls need to realize make up is an art, not a necessity. It should bring out the beauty in ur eyes, not cover em up.
Living without loving isn't living, it's sort of like existing. The question u have to ask yourself is, what are u willing to risk 4 love
We live life searching not for those we want in our life but those who want us in their life.
Don't ask me why I'm so different. Ask you're self why your the same
Everyones Replaceable.
When you live for nothing you're not afraid of dying but when you start living you're now afraid of losing.
You know your into this girl when you don't text your boy back.
I hella wanna gett my iPod n blast these fools with baby yuuuuuuuu
I just realized . I Ve been able to love. Not to be in love.
Sometimes, I'll hear a deep noise like the earth Is shaking, I can't tell if it was the earth shaking my heart or my heart shaking the earth
Sometime life surprises you, those are the Moments worth living for.
Let me romantically romanticize you and your romantic self
"I know you all need me, but I'll call u if I need any of you"
Your dreams will get u in trouble if u bring it to reality son
Yall couldn't think I was done-Wht does Morgan Freeman & @KingJames have n common?? They both been OLD-since we've known of em
If I walk away and just let you leave, you'll be stuck in my head like a melody
Lol rule #133 our grand business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.
"We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you" lupe
All the kids with the pumped up kicks better run run run outrun my gun
You don't need someone to complete you, you need someone to accept you completely
If you like someone, how many rules do you break?
Eject me like goose and let me fall into the ocean
Pain is like lying. There's no limit, we all hate it. And After awhile, it hurts all the same.
"you knew enough to love her... That's all that matters."
U ever realize there are over 7 billion people in this world, to text, to call, to email. Yet there's only one you want to talk to. Smh
U know that feeling you get when u might like someone ...well.. They don't like you back. Just sayin
If you don't act today you'll lose tomorrow and you'll be lost like yesterday.
"I like you" is never enough.
All good things never last, Most just want to be be friends.
Find the ones who are more. All great things never end.
Step on my feet and I'll step on your face.
There should be a crossing guard when she crosses the street. There should be a warning sign when she crosses your mind.
How can u be free to do anything but restricted to not do something.
"He always seemed to be able to say in very few words what you actually should have been thinking before you thought it"
"With his passing the world has lost a rare original, Disney has lost a member of our family, and I have lost a great friend."
"Steve may be the one true icon whose legacy will be remembered for a thousand years."
Life is too short to pass up on once in a lifetime moments
Why we waste our time on the best thing we never had is beyond any reason I can fathom.
You can't be lost if you don't want to be found.
Just because we don't talk doesn't mean I don't think about you. I'm just trying to distance myself because I know I can't have you
When you make it appoint to include me in ur life, when it no longer is a one way street, when you start to give a eff. That will be the day
If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love, or they still are.” hahah
It shouldn't be iiiiiiiiiii or meeemeeemeee. It isn't youyouyou or themthemthemthem. It's either weeeweeeewee or none of the above.
Anyone i see tap dancing, juggling, will join em. One strike policy applies people.
If I had three wishes, i wish I wish I wish you would, bitch.
Rules shouldn't be broken especially by someone who s supposed to be special. Guess they ain't special!
When the world walks out, nobody's welcome in
U don't gotta like me. You just mad cause I tell it how it is, you tell it how it might be.
All women are psycho. The levels of psychotic malfunction depends on their maturity . Fact
The one person you want is the one you can't have. Or is it, the one person you can't have, you want.
Rule #50. You can always bail on a chick for a homie. But never bail on a homie for another homie. Bring the homies together.
Rule #28 The only thing u give to a person is ur word. The only thing u give to a friend is ur hand. The only thing u give to ur ur <3
90 percent of the people u wanna talk to don't want to talk to you. Fact
Words will always be words but your words got me hella smilingggg
Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. - Unknown
I'm only an asshole if you hear their side of the story.'re lucky, not because you have her, but because I didn't swoop.. Haha
You know what's a turn off... People thinking they know you. You don't know me like that cuz!
So i sit here divided talking to myself. Was it something I did, was there somebody else.
I've seen good people do bad things and bad people do good things. God doesn't care who you were, only who you are.
Dont you hate when u wanna see someone but u don't wanna tell em cause u know they don't get that same feeling. So you shake your head
Find someone who remembers your favorites.
Good people will ask you what you think, best ones will know what you think
i dont assume or read minds and i dont try, you better say what you mean to me or what you want me to know!
She's been on more hotel pillows than chocolate mints
B Stands for Bitches.
#1415. Ladies, guys are sick of hearing you ask where all of the “nice guys” are. They’re in the friend zone, where you left them.
#1417. Success isn't measured by what you change in yourself, but what you change in others, bro.
Bitches only see one side of the spectrum.
Disappointed in your stupidity, you lack the qualities that make a person real and honest because you're too busy caught up in the attention
InstaGram Photos of the Year

Best Photography Shots Taken

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