
expendable eric.

when you know you know, it’s fools gold.

didn’t need to tell me twice, you were telling a joke.

stuck in high school a little minion minute

your just the two balls dragging for the ride in it.

dissecting items not interpreted for direction

like the collective 9 foot of your double complexion

you can tell a lot by the choices we make,

here’s one- the time you were going to go on a break

equated to three pieces on the diamond plate.

it’s not your fault, mama didn’t raise you right

it’s not you fault, your daddy was never insight.

and it’s not your fault, your siblings never showed you the light.

when something ends, another begins.

if you break it once, you can’t break it again.

sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. 

Kinda like you might win some but everyone’s lost one

actions are just proof your words were lies that never end.

your love language insecurities with no common sense

it’s in the action, not so much in the comments..

just like you live for the day. when we should live in the moment.

next time i’ll cut all of your balls, friend.

Happy Birthday E. It’s come full circle . It was the you that stopped me over a decade ago from starting something. just like today is your day, to end that one thing.

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