Sorry, No pictures for this post. Just wanted to update this thing since I have 3 posts in the last 2 months. School is hectic right now, haven't had time to shoot photos. Instead, I've been working on a resume and cover letter for English 398. For my gang's class, I have had to research a gang-related article for the local area, read My Bloody Life : The Making of a Latin King, and write an 8 page paper on it. In my terrorism and counter-terrorism class, I have a 6 page mid-term paper about a terrorist group, and a group project of a similar paper. For my race class, I have weekly internet exercises and a 3 page paper due. And lastly, I have an Anthropology paper due on syphilis. Fun, yes I know.
I recommend, My Bloody Life : The Making of a Latin King. I hate reading, but that book got me hooked. I even got the sequel, My Bloody Life : The unMaking of a Latin King.
As for the NBA trades...disappointed the Heat didn't get Amare. The Kings finally got rid of Kevin Martin. Didn't get that much, but hey we got rid of Martin and Rodriguez. Speaking of Rodriguez, Ashley Rodriguez from Boston, on American Idol, is HOT. And she can sing. Lol. The Wizards traded away half the team, to get nothing but Josh Howard and Al Thornton. Good pickups. The Cavs were dominating without Jamison, and now they'll be awesome. Just be patient cause there's a 3 game losing streak with him. These things take time. Look for them to give the Magic, Celtics, and maybe Lakers, a run...
Rockets traded Tmac for Kevin Martin. That's the upside, I think. But they lost Carl Landry, a very upgraded Dejuan Blair. Okay maybe not that big of an upgrade. If you think about that, the Kings had a chance to get Blair...Yes, instead we got Brockman who? Brockman upsets offenses at time, but Blair would've been a better pick. And he has no ACL's..Sav! The Celtics kept their big three, gave up Eddie House, and got Nate Robinson. Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley say it's a good upgrade from House, but I don't know about that one... And House proved in the New York loss that he could score (24 points).
Financially, the Jazz traded Corey Brewer to ? for nothing...Don't know if I'd agree. The Bobcats got some depth in Tyrus Thomas.. and the Trailblazes got a big man..Hopefully, he doesn't follow Oden and Pryzbilla..
New NBA favorites for this year: Rajon Rondoooo, Dejuan Blair, and Kevin Durant.
What to watch: Charles Barkley and Kenny "the Jet" Smith. Hilarious.
Song of the week. Chris Brown ft Pleasure P - Can't let you Go
Quote of the week . " I went to the woods because I wish to live deliberately to front only the essential things of life and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."- Henry David Thoreau
And that's the Stat us of the NBA.
valentines day...
today is the day that's celebrated by lovers.. and hated by singles. it is the day to look at the great things we have or the things we had. it is the time we realize the person's importance, or the persons incompetence. it is a day filled with love or a day thought of memories. today is the time we can make someone ours for a day...or a day we say what if...
last year i took a chance , and it shot me in the back... i took an idea and made it a memory. not exactly a memory that shares love's interest, but one ill never forget. looking back, i wouldnt change a thing.. id rather take a chance on something and live with the outcome knowing, instead of watching on the sidelines saying what if and not knowing.
so if you're out there reading this, know that i only wanted the best for you. my only wish was to make you smile. maybe one day you'll take the chance... but for now, here's my heart. empty and cold. like chris brown.
i hate valentine's day.
last year i took a chance , and it shot me in the back... i took an idea and made it a memory. not exactly a memory that shares love's interest, but one ill never forget. looking back, i wouldnt change a thing.. id rather take a chance on something and live with the outcome knowing, instead of watching on the sidelines saying what if and not knowing.
so if you're out there reading this, know that i only wanted the best for you. my only wish was to make you smile. maybe one day you'll take the chance... but for now, here's my heart. empty and cold. like chris brown.
i hate valentine's day.

V Day Blues
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