As we grow older in the real world, the wiser we become. Not just about our own lives, but the lives of many. Believe it or not, we have touched everyone we have ever met, even if it was for split seconds. The ideas and views that one person has inflicted with everyone else's, where the leaders evolve and become entrepreneurs of life. This is a blog. My blog.
These are to the people who enjoy what I enjoy, feel as I feel, like what I love. This is for those who may share the agreements of situations, disagree against the styles I have, or the understandings that I view. This is to my family, the ones who have supported me since Day 1, without question, without doubt. No matter what circumstance arises, I have their full support as they have mine. This is to my friends, who I may or may not talk to still. The ones that have had my back, been through the hardships, good laughs, and memorable moments. The close friends, the best friends, the acquaintances; old, young, fat, skinny, pretty, cute, and friendly. The ones that have shared their views with me, made up jokes to laugh about, and criticize irrelevant matters like our thoughts would make a difference. This is for the fans of writing, professional sports, photography, fashion, fads, entertainment, technology, music and education, or simply life. For the people that enjoy the same materialistic things that I do, whether it'd be Apple products, in style fashion clothing, bikes and cars, and random hobbies. This is for the haters that criticize, who disagree with anything and everything, being immature turtles that hide in their shell. This is for the fake and phonies, the ones who are liars, cheaters, and pretenders. They are the hypocrites, deceivers, and false advertisers. The ones that are lost, looking for their own identity, yet are too lazy to seek their own. And instead, copy the identity of someone else and call it their own.
This is for everyone whose paths have intercepted with mine; brief seconds, long hours, many days, or even countless years. Without all of you, I would not be the person I am today. Without you, I may not have the views I have today. Without you, I would not know what life is about.
You might ask yourself, who is this guy? Is this guy really talking about me? Does he even know me? And I answer you, I may or may not know you. But I can tell you, you have had an impact on my life. This is a blog with my ideas, my thoughts, my shares, my views, my loves, my laughs, and my life. This is for YOU.!
opportunity comes with chance
fortune comes with failure
money comes with education
earning comes with risk
success comes with struggle
winning comes with losing
love comes with all.
Hi Wizzzzzzzle. It's 3:17 in the fuhreaking morning and I was on the EDGE of sleeping, but then you sent me an amazing link. Anddd knowing how much I enjoy your writing, I had to get up, turn my laptop back on, and here I am now. Hmmmmmmmm. Please do your homework. LOL. Education before blogspots ;] Missss youuuu.