
Birth Reflection.

We annually celebrate the day in which we were born
We receive gifts of existence, appreciate the sacrifice,
Share gratitudes of dedication,
And Appreciate all the accomplishments through the year.
We have a couple toasts, maybe a few drinks,
Well, you will have a few drinks... I will have a soda.
And together, we express our livelihood and celebrate,
Everything that we have become.
We spend it with loved ones, We spend it with friends,
We spend it with strangers,
Or maybe we spend it alone,

Take this moment to self-reflect.
Another year has gone by,
Another year added to the sum,
We are forever growing, to the thing we wanted to be.
As the year goes by, the goals we wanted most,
Are fulfilled,
Maybe not to our thinking, maybe not to our wants
But totaled to where we were last year,
Hopefully, we have furthered ourselves,
To the ultimate person we want to be.

Although our birthday is once a year,
our thirst for knowledge, our thirst for desire
Increases every day of the year.
Along the way we have lived life to our fullest.
With happiness comes sadness,
With challenge comes controversy.
We did things we wanted to do, we did things we thought we wouldn't.
We talked to those we wanted to talk to,
We dreamed of those we didn't.
Friendships have come,
Relationships have gone.
For better or worse, 
Social media has plugged into the lives of most.

As a year goes by, change is in its itinerary,
Live with excitement, Live for the glory.
Remember to be responsible, Remember to mature.
With each action, there is a reaction.
And with each reaction comes a consequence.
Always live to the capabilities,
Never out live outside the means, never be something you're not.
Live like it's your last,
You might never get that opportune moment again.

Set more goals to accomplish,
Think of more ways to better ourself.
Take those dreams we still have,
Put those in reality and shall have a better birth next year.
If we knew what we knew now, but last year,
Just imagine how much greater we would be.
Challenge yourself to become greater than you thought you would.
Challenge yourself to being a better person you were today.

Next time you're in the bar, Next time you order your drink.
Raise your glass and prepare a toast.

It's not what you were yesterday that matters,
It's what you do today that will shape everyone's future.
Always live in the present but keep in mind the future.
Don't let the past affect you, Just keep it in your rule.
Never make the same mistake twice, never think you're outside the lines.
Remember to live like it's your only
Because You only get one.
We are forever growing,
We are forever young.

Happy Birthday

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