
a one man wolfpack

What’s sad is i don’t have a single picture with the ones that matter most. And it’s too late to get one. There’s nothing to cherish but a distant memory, that’ll be lost to dementia.  I guess it’s true what they say, you’ll remember how someone made you feel. Cause sure in hell there ain’t no token or photograph to ever say we existed. Just a he said she said world that would take two stories to make it factual. Guess you were too good or i was too shitty to keep it going. Maybe it was the distance or maybe it was the lack of time.  

I don’t have a lot of regret, i don’t get too emotional or too dependent on one thing. Things never bother me, this might be the only one. This cut is the deepest, and I’m sure it’s me alone. 


I see you.

 there should be a reason, but i doubt there is.

If you don’t put it all on the line, why bother playing.

There’s A ball and then there’s the major leagues.

You can still strike out without swinging the bat.

You could lose it all today, And still live tomorrow.

There could be 99 failures. But all you need is one.

You might win some, but everybody’s lost one.

I forgave. And I never forgot. 

You gave up, and Never came back.

Be easy.


part 2 B

 another day another dime anotha disappointment

captain of your own fate, captain of your own destiny.

you control your own actions and inactions

the moment you relinquish your self

the more you’ll succumb to their life.

Heard something you said yesterday. what’s true now was true then 

the words spoken don’t hold much fact

more like the action states all you need to know

it’s eating my brain faster than it’s eating my heart

cause round one already ate it all.

What is intriguing is that this has happened exactly once before.

And that reminder is on my left hand forever.

this is why the wall was built this is why the circle was formed

this is why nobody had the access code

the mischief of soul, the darkest closeted secrets.

I typically rise for the occasion and face the challenge head on.

but not this time, not this time.

cheers to the existential on prom night.

sing to me something soft. sing to me anything.